神话与. Facts: Which 心脏病 Risk Factors Can You Control?

Which 心脏病 Risk Factors Can You Control?

Are you wondering how much in流感ence you have over your heart health?

When it comes to heart disease, women need to pay attention. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in women. 但也有好消息. About 90% of heart disease risk factors are under your control.

That means changes you make to your lifestyle 和 habits can have a positive effect on your heart health. 当然, there are still some risk factors out of your control, but with so many controllable risk factors, the odds are in your favor that you can reduce your overall risk.

There are almost 10 heart disease risk factors under my control.

  • 事实: You can do something about 9 of the primary risk factors for heart disease. These include controlling your cholesterol, 血压, 糖尿病和体重, 还有不吸烟, 减少压力, 定期锻炼, improving your diet 和 limiting alcohol.

There are still some risk factors I can't do anything about.

  • 事实: Not every risk factor for heart disease is under your control, although you can do something about most of them. Uncontrollable risk factors include older age, being male or a postmenopausal woman, having a family history of heart disease 和 race (African-Americans, American Indians 和 Hispanic Americans are at an increased risk).

If I'm a woman, I don't really have to worry about heart disease risks as much as men do.

  • 神话: While men are at a higher risk for heart disease than women up until women reach menopause, women still have plenty to worry about no matter what their age. Heart disease is the number one killer of women but many women don’t think about heart disease as something to be concerned about. And many doctors don’t address heart disease risks with women in the same way as they do with men. Whether you are a man or a woman, the sooner you take action to reduce risk factors for heart disease, 更好的.

I'm already in my 40's, 50's or 60's so it's too late for me to change my heart disease risk.

  • 神话: It's never too late to improve your health 和 lower your heart disease risk. Every step you take to reduce your risk helps. No matter what your age, making lifestyle changes such as exercising more, 健康饮食, 减肥, quitting smoking or 减少压力 makes a difference.

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Date Last Reviewed: February 19, 2019

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, 公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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